Dear Friends,
Clean, accessible, and safe parks are critical to a vibrant community. After nearly ten years of advocacy by the Friends of Eaton County Parks and other partners, the Eaton County Board of Commissioners has voted to place a parks millage on the ballot for November 2022. If passed, this .5 mill countywide ballot initiative will generate millions of dollars over the next ten years to invest in and maintain Eaton County Parks as well as provide funding for local community parks.
If passed, what will the millage be used for?
Restroom facility updates
Updated grounds and nature trails
Accessibility options
Pet-friendly spaces
Updated children’s play areas
Picnic and pavilion updates
The Friends board has worked with other partners to create a separate campaign committee called Restore Our Parks. We are confident through a survey commissioned by the Friends that we have the support to pass this proposal, but like all campaigns, resources are needed to educate voters and earn their support at the ballot. We ask you to join us in our efforts to successfully pass this millage by making a donation to the Restore Our Parks campaign.
What will your donation support?
Mailers to Voters
Social Media Advertising
Educational Literature about Eaton County Parks
Yard Signs
Coalition and Community Support Building Initiatives
Your donation will provide the Restore Our Parks committee with the financial resources necessary to push this millage over the finish line and ensure funding for our parks for years to come.
You can donate by following this link: or by mailing a check made out to Restore Our Parks to Restore Our Parks, 1037 Gretchen Lane, Grand Ledge, MI 48837.
Beyond financial support, there are several other ways to get involved by emailing
How can I support the Restore our Parks Ballot Proposal:
Volunteer your time at local events
Submit a letter to the editor
Share your support on your social media
Spread the word to your friends, family, and neighbors
Provide a yard sign location
The success of the Restore our Parks ballot proposal is a community effort. We appreciate your consideration of getting involved and ensuring our parks are restored, preserved and made accessible for everyone to enjoy.
For more details on the campaign visit:
With appreciation,
Restore Our Parks Committee
Paid for by Restore Our Parks
1037 Gretchen Lane
Grand Ledge MI 48837
JULY 20, 2022
Introduced by the Ways & Means Committee
Commissioner Mulder moved the approval of the following resolution. Seconded by
Commissioner Droscha.
WHEREAS, Eaton County desires to continue to operate and maintain county parks for the
benefit of the citizens of the County; and
WHEREAS, parks are a substantial benefit to the citizens of the County, enhancing quality of
life and providing outdoor recreation and leisure opportunities.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the following question be submitted to a vote of
the electorate of Eaton County at the general election to be held November 8, 2022.
For the purpose of providing funding for operations, maintenance, acquisition,
improvements and/or development of parks and open spaces within Eaton County, shall
the real and tangible personal property tax limitation within the County of Eaton,
Michigan, be increased in an amount not to exceed 0.50 mill ($0.50 on each $1,000 of
taxable value) for a period of ten (10) years (December 2022- July 2032)? If approved
and levied in its entirety, this millage would raise an estimated $2,240,786 in the first
calendar year after its approval.
YES [ ]
NO [ ] ; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this question is hereby certified to the County Clerk;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause this proposed
question to be stated on the November 8, 2022 ballot and to be prepared and distributed in the
manner required by law.
Roll call. Ayes: Commissioners Barnes, Augustine, Haskell, Whitacre, Mudry, Brehler, Droscha,
Reynnet, Ridge, Lautzenheiser, Mott, Rogers and Whittum.
Nays: Commissioners Mulder and Pearl-Wright. Carried.
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